Friday, July 22, 2011



Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Utang Menulis


Saya punya banyak utang menulis. Antara lain yang masih saya ingat, saya punya utang menulis kepada Boy Shandy, Teteh Tee Tha, Mbak Naajmi Maspupa, dan terutama kepada saya sendiri. Saya ingin menyelesaikannya semua. Akan saya tulis apa-apa saja ide yang sudah menumpuk itu ke dalam buku harian saya. Kemudian saya tidak akan berhenti sampai di situ saja. Saya akan terus berjalan. Karena mereka sudah lama menanti saya. Ah, maafkan saya. Jujur, saya memang kangen dengan menulis. Berikutnya, kamu yang akan saya tulis! Bersiap-siaplah...


Menghitung hari saat divonis sudah muncul kehidupan baru di dalam rahimku. Aku sangat senang! Aku tidak bisa melompat-lompat kegirangan. Bisa saja kehidupan baru itu akan marah dan dia tidak jadi hidup. Oh, tidak. Aku ingin dia tetap hidup. 

Perjalanan kehidupannya membutuhkan entah berapa kali kunjungan. Aku memohon-mohon kepada Tuhan agar kunjungan yang ke empat kalinya kehidupan itu tercipta. Ah, Tuhan tidak pilih kasih. Tapi, dia memang sudah menjadwalkannya. Dan aku sangat senang!

Setiap pagi aku sapa. Mungkin aku gila berbicara sendiri. Tapi, dia bisa mendengarkanku lewat aliran darahku yang mengalir ke dirinya. Aku mengirimkan begitu banyak cerita tentang indahnya dunia. Belum sempat dan aku memang takut untuk menceritakan pedihnya dunia. Biarlah dia tahu dengan sendirinya bagaimana dunia yang akan dipijaknya. Aku hanya menunggu saja.

Ah, ada kunjungan lagi! Katanya biar nanti dia tahu di mana pintu yang seharusnya dia lewati untuk keluar nanti. Tak apa lah jika kunjungan-kunjungan berikutnya untuk kebaikan dirinya. Aku menerima saja kunjungan-kunjungan itu. Aku juga sangat senang.

Kemudian, pintu itu akan terbuka dengan perlahan-lahan. Sakit. Tapi, aku menanti. Aku membiarkannya menganga berhadapan dengan Tuhan dan darahdagingnya. Aku menyapanya. Dia menyambutku. Kami berpelukan. Sementara pintu itu terus mengalirkan pesan-pesan yang pernah aku ceritakan. Tanpa henti. Dan, aku mati.

Pesan untuk anakku:
Cukup satu pintu saja yang kamu kunjungi nanti, Nak. Namanya V. Itu saja.

20.00 WIB

Di saat-saat seperti ini biasanya ada aku yang curi-curi pandang dengan jarum jam. Aku suka dengan angka delapan. Dibolak-balik atas bawah ya tetap saja delapan. Tapi, bukan karena itu juga. Aku ingin pulang saja ke kamar jika melihat angka delapan. Aku ingin meniduri bantal dan menyetubuhi guling. Sekali-sekali saja begitu. Kemudian aku akan ambil segelas air putih dari dapur dan meletakkannya di atas meja belajarku. Aku ambil buku, aku baca, aku menikmati dan aku bisa saja sesekali marah-marah. Jika aku marah-marah, aku ambil segelas air putih tadi, aku minum dan aku mabuk. Betapa mudahnya bersenang-senang di kamarku!
Aku ingin pulang ke kamarku.

Bermain dengan para Roh yang sedari tadi sudah menanti kepulanganku. Menanyaiku ada cerita apa tadi di jalan dan mendengarkan tawa mereka dari semua cerita konyolku tentang manusia. Bukankah manusia itu memang konyol semua? Cobalah tanya pada Rohmu. Pasti mereka sepakat denganku.

Aku ingin pulang ke kamarku.

Membangun dinding-dinding istana imaji dengan sepotong-sepotong khayalan yang aku pungut di jalan saat aku pulang. Berdiskusi dengan anak-anak para Roh dan sesekali mendengarkan suara tangis mereka yang ingin didengarkan olehku. Ah, aku mencintai para Rohku.

Aku ingin pulang ke kamarku.

Saat aku akan tidur, aku akan segera bersiap-siap mendekati Tuhan untuk pertukaran alam. Akan ada yang datang menjemputku untuk beraktifitas di alam kedua. Sudah beberapa hari ini Rohku dan Roh Romo menghabiskan waktu di Harvard University dan sekitar New York. Malam kemarin kami candlelight dinner. Dan aku dilamar!


Menangis Bodoh

Jadi, apa yang sedang salah dengan saya akhir-akhir ini? Saya saja sampai menghitung mundur entah dari hitungan ke berapa sampai akhirnya ...empat, tiga, dua, satu, dan aarrgghh saya menyerah! Saya lelah, Tuhan. Kemarin-kemarin saya mencoba menangis dengan sendiri-sendiri saja tapi gagal terus. Saya terus ditanya mengapa saya selalu saja diam dan cemberut tanpa sebab. Padahal pada saat itu saya sedang berjuang untuk bisa menangis. Tapi, siapa yang peduli kalau saya menangis berarti saya mencapai orgasme di titik puncak yang saya inginkan?

Ingat tidak tentang saya yang tidak bisa beraktifitas jika saya tidak bergumul terlebih dahulu malam sebelumnya untuk menyusun semua jadwal saya untuk besoknya? Begitulah saya. Jika saya tidak begitu, saya yakin besoknya saya akan tiada hentinya mengutuki diri saya bodoh dan terus saja menyalahkan diri dengan membabibuta. Saya tidak pantas dicontoh!

Dan, karena itu lah saya menangis. Konyol? Memang iya. Tapi, peduli apa saya dengan tanggapan orang lain. Yang penting saya bisa menangis dan saya puas. Saya bisa uring-uringan bolak-balik kamar-studio-turun naik tangga-kamar lagi-studio lagi-dst sebelum saya bisa menumpahkan air mata saya. Sebabnya? Ya itu dia tadi, saya hanya ingin menangis saja. Sakit hati sama diri saya sendiri karena kebodohan saya yang tidak bisa mengatur waktu saya dalam satu hari. Oh, betapa berharganya waktu itu bagi saya, sejujurnya, sebenarnya. Tapi, tololnya saya suka sekali menyia-nyiakannya! 

Seperti hari ini, saya mengerjakan semua jadwal saya. Mulai dari mengirim buku ke Anggi, kemudian ke Gramedia, kemudian ke PajUs, dan selesai. Mungkin dalam satu hari ini hanya segitu dulu aktifitas saya. Tapi, tahukah kamu dengan aktifitas yang sedikit begitu saja sering saya malas mengerjakannya? Jangan dicontoh.

Saya tidak ingin memikirkan lagi yang sudah terjadi. Saya hanya memikirkan yang sekarang saja. Tentang besok tidak begitu saya pikirkan. Palingan juga hanya sekedar menuliskan jadwal saja.

Ada yang ketinggalan...

Jika saya mengatakan "hari ini ingin di rumah saja" maka saya harus di rumah saja. Kalau saya tetap keluar rumah juga untuk hal yang tidak penting, rasa bersalah itu tidak salah jika datang kepada saya.

Sedang berproses: membuang-buang waktu untuk hal-hal yang perting (menurut saya, bukan menurut kamu)!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Menyesap Seperti Kamu, Seperti Darah.

Ini sudah hari ke berapa,Blood? Sudah hampir hari ke-800 kamu mengisi hidupku. Melarung di dalam celah-celah daging tubuhku tanpa mengenal apa itu lelah. Kau tetap memerah. Seperti saat pertama kali aku dilahirkan. Tapi, saat itu kita belum bertemu, Blood.

Hari ini tidak ada senyum dariku untukmu, Blood. Aku sedang marah padamu. Aku ingin membunuhmu agar kau tidak lagi menyesapi setiap celah daging tertipisku. Aku ingin kau menjadi hitam. Bukan merah. Aku ingin kau kubasuh dengan air yang lebih ringan darimu agar kau tidak terus sombong di dalam tubuhku. Aku ingin kau meneteskan kehidupanmu tanpa perlu selang yang membantu aliranmu. Aku membencimu, Blood. Membencimu karena aku tidak bisa hidup dalam kehidupan yang sesungguhnya jika kamu tidak hidup di dalam tubuhku. Membencimu karena kau selalu mengatakan bahwa kau tidak butuh tubuhku untuk bertahan hidup. Bahkan dalam bekunya kutub pun kau mampu. Sedangkan aku? Aku membutuhkanmu. Kau sudah membunuhku perlahan-lahan dengan begitu cepat kau keluar jika ada luka pada diriku. Padahal itu semua karena kamu. Kamu yang membuat aku menyakiti diriku sendiri. Sedangkan kau tidak pernah peduli bagaimana sakitnya aku kehilanganmu sedikit demi sedikit dari tubuhku.

Blood, jika aku mati, aku ingin matiku karena kehilanganmu. Jika kau ingin aku tetap hidup, pulanglah. Pulanglah, Blood. Rumahmu di jantungku. Di jantungku yang masih membutuhkan detak untuk tempat tinggalmu. Pulanglah, Blood. Jantungku adalah rumahmu. Pulanglah.

Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • Photogenius
    05-07 03:35 AM
    i like it but i dnt think you should have rounded the gloss

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  • immigrationvoice1
    03-07 05:31 PM
    Mine took 8 and half months back in 2004!

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    any body has similar experience?

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  • ilwaiting
    06-14 01:13 PM
    simple process. planning to do it myself. just make sure you have the right documents.

    I am interested as well. We can control our own destiny. What kind of issues can one get in RFE's for 485 that we wont be able to answer and the lawyer will? We need a copy of the Labor and 140. Don't we?


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  • sachin27
    03-26 12:13 PM
    I had to withdraw my application since I had to file for a divorce. I was just told yesterday that my petition in withdrawn and my wife will be notified in a week. I was also told that I can re-file before.

    Currently we have withdrawn the Divorce papers as well. But I don't know what steps to be taken for re-file.

    She has an A number which I can provide now. But the two question I have is her current USCIS status? She came on K1 and another question is "Have you ever applied for Perm. Res.?" The Answer will be yes with date and place of filing, but what should I write for final disposition.

    Please help this is urgent.


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  • sanjeev_2004
    06-16 12:49 AM
    In the 485 check list sent by my employer one of the item is :

    "Affidavit of support duly notarized (Form I-864) if you are applying for your family"

    I am applying for my self and my wife and for my daugher. I will send my all paper to my employer and he will sent to attorney.
    Do i have to fill form I-864 or attorney will fill form. if i need to fill then where i can find this form and how i can notarize it.

    Please help.


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  • Anders �stberg
    July 1st, 2004, 06:49 AM
    �Hola! Alcanor - Welcome!

    Nice picture, please show us more...

    Don't worry about your English, it's certainly better than my Spanish. :)

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  • pmat
    02-18 10:18 PM
    There is no way that she can start working from April. If her H1B is approved, the earliest she can start working will be Oct 1, 2007. Also, make sure that her H1B is filed ASAP because the 20,000 MS quota has also been seen to evaporate pretty quickly (~1-2 months).

    In other words, she will have to convince her employer to allow her to start from October.

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  • indianabacklog
    12-05 11:00 AM
    My husband has a pending I-130 visa petition (I am a US citizen, he's Italian, we live in Italy). Can anyone tell me whether he is permitted to enter (and exit, as we are still residents in Italy) the US on holiday (departure 19 dec)?
    I have not found any specific details in regard.

    In what capacity will he be entering the US? Does he have a visa?


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  • unsanjana
    10-05 03:50 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam:

    I booked H4 visa appointment in Chennai Consulate on Oct 10th,2007.

    My husband is working in US on H1b visa. He moved company A to company B on Sep 10th,2007. He has companyB H1b approval letter, but he only has one Sep month pay stub from company B.

    When I am going for H4 visa stamping, I need to submit my husband's recent 3 pay stubs. Can I submit my husband previous company A pay stubs( June to Aug) with recent pay stub from company B. Is there any requirement to submit all pay stubs from one company.

    Please assist me. I would really appreciate your answers.

    Thanks and Regards

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  • chanduv23
    02-14 03:33 PM
    Come on folks, please send your love letter to the WH on a special day


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  • quizzer
    06-25 05:27 PM
    Any recent approvals in NSC?

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  • sk8er
    03-29 12:30 PM
    I left the US for good after spending around 5 years on H1-B sometime last year and have only made entries on tourist visa. Can I apply for a new 6 year H1-B quota since leaving the H1-B status last year or will I have to spend 1 year outside since the last tourist visa entry ?


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  • zCool
    10-21 12:39 AM
    Relax.. it's no big issue..
    Unless you are going to use it for Driver Permit application or something.. no one cares..

    Your 485 App shoud have right name that's it

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  • zram1977
    09-25 01:07 PM
    Can an AILA member post contents of this doc.

    # 9/24/2009 DOS Provides Background on Visa Allocation Process
    As all employment-based visas have been allocated for FY2009, Charles Oppenheim, Chief, Immigrant Control and Reporting Division Visa Services Office, provides an explanation on how the Department of State allocates visas through its Immigrant Visa Allocation Management System (IVAMS). AILA Doc. No. 09240920.

    AILA - Restricted Access Page (
    Something related to IVAMS


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  • frostrated
    10-26 02:16 PM
    your wife's application should be tied to your PD. If you got it in EB1, then she too should be in EB1. The pearson memo will help. Get an infopass and clarify the issue.

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  • mrsr
    06-17 10:08 AM
    A# will be on yr approved I140 above yr name ,in beneficiary column
    both . copy of i94 original + approval notice . is shd have the same number if u have not travelled outside

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  • YetAnotherDesi
    09-04 04:35 PM

    I have the following situation, any help/pointers is much appreciated:
    - Have EAD (expired Sep 2010). H1B expires Dec 20, 2009.
    - I was informed sometime back that I am going to be laid off mid September (next week)
    - I am expecting another job offer (interview went well and most likely will get the job) and plan to start at that job late September / eraly October 2009.
    - The new offer that I am expecting to get is for the position of Senior Software Engineer, whereas my previous position (where I will be laid off from) was Software Engineer.

    So, my questions are:
    1. Is it still possible to transfer my H1B visa even though I expect a gap of atleast 2 weeks between the two jobs, or is it better to switch over to the EAD?
    2. Will it be a problem for my pending 485 application if my position changes to Senior Software Engr? (although the responsibilities in both positions are about 95% similar, few more responsibilities as a Senior Eng, thats all)
    3. If I end up changing over to EAD, what next steps should I do (wrt keeping my 485 applicationb alive and to inform USCIS that I have switched over to EAD).
    4. A few months before I got the notice of layoff, I got engaged to a woman in India. I would have preferred to get married by end of the year (would have applied for 1yr extension of H1b) so that my wife could have come over on H4 visa. Now, if I switch over to EAD, what are the options of bringing my (to be) wife over? Is this going to be a problem?

    07-18 09:38 PM
    any suggestions on how to expedite processing

    Donate 1 million dollars to USCIS, they will come to your house to handover the card. I believe that is the only way you can expedite, as for as I know.

    09-26 01:27 PM


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  • NikNikon
    July 16th, 2005, 05:46 AM
    Hello and welcome. I have a D70 as well and also shoot a lot of concert type events, here's a link to that section of my gallery:

    Maybe the EXIF data will be helpful though it's not completely accurate, even though I shoot in manual it will read shutter priority. ISO usually 1600 as Josh stated above.

    Good luck and enjoy your camera, now maybe you can help me get into the photo pits. :) j/k

    Lay off in H1B Transfer [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Lay off in H1B Transfer

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  • a_yaja
    11-08 02:37 PM
    Hi there.
    I plan to go on vacation in Dec to Peru.
    I also need to get my h1 stamped.
    Has anyone stamped from Peru or some South American country?

    Can you let me know if any issues.
    The embassy has a number that gives access to a service where I can schedule an appointment .. but does not allow me to speak to anyone.

    My understanding is that you can apply for H1B stamping only in Canada, Mexico, your country of residence or your home country. If your home country is not Peru or your country of residence is not Peru, you cannot apply for H1B stamping in Peru. I tried to do something similar and wanted to get my H1B stamped in Germany - but my lawyer told me that I could not do that.

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  • eb3_nepa
    12-11 10:23 AM
    A thought about meeting the Senators/Congressmen.

    Should we not meet the new senators and congressmen now, BEFORE they actually join office? I have a feeling that once they take office, they will become too busy with day to day stuff and immigration will DEFINITELY become a back-burner issue.

    Is it possible to meet the new people moving in after January, now instead of after they take office?

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  • jliechty
    January 3rd, 2005, 08:20 PM
    That works, too. I like it. :)


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  • Blog Feeds
    06-13 05:20 PM
    Last week I attended the Annual Immigration Lawyers conference in Las Vegas. During the conference, government officials spent some time to update the attendees of the most recent information and upcoming changes.

    It seems that the collection of the $500 fraud fee for new H1B or L-1 petitions is being used to invest in hiring more investigators. One recent trend is that business practices that were standard and went unchallenged previously, now are being viewed as �fraud.� Many companies must revise their practices to meet current standards. This does not mean that these practices of employers or businesses are necessarily fraudulent.

    The biggest frustration for lawyers dealing with H1B's are the unreasonable RFE's being issued by the service since the April 1 filing. USCIS is making requests for photos of the premises, copies of contracts between all involved parties, and evidence of doing business including leases, licenses, and other proof. These requests are onerous for employers, as well as disruptive and harmful to both the employer and the employee when the H1B petition is often denied without valid justification.

    USCIS presumes fraud if the employer meets two out of the following three criteria: has been doing business for fewer than ten years, has fewer than 25 employees, and/or has less than $10 million in revenue. Most well-established, bona fide companies started with these drawbacks. Even many large, well-known, highly-reputable companies are being issued intensive requests for evidence (RFEs) that seem to be without basis. This trend must stop, otherwise employers will be discouraged from filing for new H1B workers.

    More... (

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  • dealsnet
    04-27 04:21 PM
    I think you are still in H1B fear. SEE A DOCTOR.:eek:
    You are a free man. Do what ever you want. Need to live only 6 months per year (check exact days) to live in USA to keep your GC. No need to work, if you have money in hand.
    All GC related restrictions are gone after 6 months of getting it.


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    04-14 08:11 PM
    I am a UK citizen brought up in India. I am in US now working on H1-B. Since I plan to return to India after few years for good, I decided to apply for OCI(overseas citizens of India)/dual citizenship of India.

    I will have to apply for green card after few years to maintain my employee status here in USA.

    Now, the question is, will I get privilege if I am UK citizen compared to dual citizen of India when I apply for US green card?
    If I get any privilege(like quicker processing time, etc) I will just get a visitor's visa/PIO card of India for now.

    Please advice. I am really confused. Thank you.

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  • highskies26
    09-07 04:33 AM

    I just got my approval (Mar 06, TSC), finally! The key issue that I am facing is that I am not in US at the moment and it is very difficult for me to return immediately.

    1. Is it okay that I come back after a month or so?

    2. Secondly, my AP is expiring later this month though I have H1B stamped till next year. The issue is that earlier this year I had used AP to enter US in spite of the fact that I had a valid H1B. DOES this invalidate my H1B visa? Can I use the H1B visa to enter US after my AP expires???

    Is there anything else I can do such as getting the cards fedexed to me and use them to enter US?

    Experts pl. advise�

    Thanks a lot.


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  • GCwaitforever
    06-22 03:18 PM
    Your friend has to wait till he gets his citizenship. A GC holder can only sponsor someone to visit, but can't sponsor another person for GC. A citizen surely can. I heard that an immigrant could apply to USCIS to grant spouse also a GC based on hardship grounds. But I would not bet on largesse of USCIS. It is a headache dealing with bureaucrats, lawyers and appeals.

    If your friend had a traditional marriage (Church/Temple/Mosque etc ...) and not registered it or just an engagement, it should be fine. There is a risk that your friend's (would-be) wife might be denied entry into USA based on marriage to an immigrant. F-1 VISA holders are not supposed to have immigration intent.

    Once his (would-be) wife lands here, your friend should have a registered marriage in USA. She has to continue on F-1 VISA till he gets his Citizenship.

    There was a V VISA provision which expired as of December 2001 or 2000. This would have allowed GC holders to bring their spouses on V VISA. Ask your friend to join the groups which campaign for this provision. :)

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  • BMS1
    11-02 04:58 PM
    One of the biggest gripe, that legal retrogressed immigrants have about the immigration system here, is that the current retrogression locks them up in one position far too long for them to grow in career. Either your company was not advised properly by your attorney or you were not aware of this simple rule that you need to work in the same job category (with as many employers as you wish subject AC21) until about six month passes after you get your green card. Otherwise you could run into trouble at some point.


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  • foobar2001
    08-02 01:50 AM

    i entered the US on AP in Jan 2010, and at the time of entry, my I94 validity was set for
    1 year (viz Jan 2011) - and the AP also noted "AoS" status on it.

    (a) Is the validity of my I94 (and thus my legal stay) 1 year, or as i have read elsewhere,
    if AoS is pending, then its valid till the AoS case is decided?

    (b) If the validity is 1 year, what is the process for extending the I94 validity?

    thanks for your time,

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  • senk1s
    05-08 12:58 PM
    Excerpt from form i485: Part 3. Processing information:

    Please answer the following questions. (If your answer is "Yes" on any one of these questions, explain on a separate piece of paper and refer to "What Are the General Filing Instructions? Initial Evidence" to determine what documentation to include with your application. Answering "Yes" does not necessarily mean that you are not entitled to adjust status or register for permanent residence.)
    Have you ever, in or outside the United States: knowingly committed any crime of moral turpitude or a drug-related offense for which you have not been arrested?

    It is NOT reason enough to deny the application - but like piyu7444 said, this will be another hurdle to cross. You need to submit initial evidence relating to this incident. Please consult an immigration attorney


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  • shana04
    02-19 01:23 PM
    I have been trying to go thru various threads in this sub-forum. I have few questions, which I will appreciate if anyone can answer:

    1. Are you responsible for invoking the AC21 or the new company that hires you does that?

    2. Will you be hired into new company using EAD or H1B?
    EAD or H1B

    3. Does H1B need to be transferred to the new company anyways?
    yes, if you want to use H1B. Else use EAD it is your choice

    4. If wife has started using her EAD, how does that get affected?
    no, problem, if you are still on h1b then she can always fall back to h4

    5. Can you continue to use the AP issued or do you have to have a new AP re-issued?
    you can use AP issued.

    Good luck


    Status (Notice Approval Dates):
    - AP (11/2007),
    - FP & EAD (10/2007),
    - I-485 (9/2007),
    - I-140 (6/2007)

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  • snathan
    01-14 11:06 PM
    Hi! I'm H1B holder and my company is willing to sponsor the green card. I'm coming from Eastern Europe (Moldova) and in US am working as software developer, I guess it's EB-3, right? I graduated in Romania Bachelor Degree in Mathematics & Computer Science (4 years) and Master Degree in Computer Science & Engineering (2 years). My work experience is more than 7 years. Please advice how to proceed to get this process done properly, legally and fast, reasonably possible and how much time it would probably take. Thanks in advance!

    You should try for EB2. Make sure the Labor requirement is filed accordingly. Any way as you are coming under ROW, its not going to make much difference.

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  • hibworker
    05-07 05:21 PM
    We did the exact same thing. We informed officer that my wife's Extension is pending, he said that's fine and gave her I-94 valid for 40 days (time remaining on her H4 visa).


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  • looivy
    04-14 10:50 AM
    Sorry, I could not locate the thread about address change. I am moving at the end of this month to a new address in a neighboring suburb. I have an approved I-140 and a pending I-485 with AP and EAD in hand.

    My wife has a pending I-140 and a pending I-485 with AP and EAD in hand.

    Is filling an online AR-11 sufficient? Does this update our I-485 and other pending/approved applications automatically. Please advise.


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  • snathan
    01-21 10:32 AM
    I am on F1 status in US, My parents are green holder..... I am also planinig to do PhD..... can i apply for green card now....?..... If yes..... on what purpose and with what requierments...?

    You can not file GC based on your F1 or your parent's GC. Either you should go for family based or employment based.

    Family based - your parents should have Citizenship (may you need to be under 21)
    Emp based - You need to have job.
    or marry US Citizen.

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  • strafforddude
    12-14 03:54 PM

    I am working for campany A on H1B visa. Company A sponsored my GC. My I-140 & I-485 are pending. I am offered a full time job at company B. Company B is not willing to apply for H1B, so i have to use my EAD. My current employer (Company A) agreed to let me go and supportive of my decision.

    Question: If i use my EAD to join company B without informing USCIS, and at later point join my sponsoring employer (Company A) on same H1b which i have right now will it be a issue ?

    Is there any way USCIS coming to know that i switched employees in between.

    Thank you !!

    04-15 04:18 PM
    It was a mistake by the guy who stamped I-94 (at CBP).
    Her H-4 must be expire on your expiration date.
    You need to go to nearest CBP office to get it corrected.
    She need deferred inspection to get it straight. USCIS will not do it.

    OR Do nothing about it and file H-4 extension along with your H1B extension.
    If you do not extend her with your petition, even if she have valid I-94, she may end up in trouble later.
    Read Murthy's

    I am a resident physician on h1b visa which is expiring on 6-30-2010 . I am in process of applying for H1B extension for my fellowship. My wife is on H4 visa (expiring in 3-20-2013 since she got 5 yr multiple visa). Recently she visited Kuwait and on her re-entry she was given entry (on her I94) up to 3-15-2013 (up to 5 days prior to her visa expiration). Will she also need extension in this case along with my extension or can she stay in US till 2013 with out extension Thanks.

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  • itsmesabby
    05-13 01:43 PM
    USCIS site has been having some trouble for the past couple of months. The reciept numbers are all valid but are not displaying any status in the system. I had the same challenge with one of my applications. So when I called the rep could also not find the status online, but then they connected me to another rep who could check all my status and confirmed that the application was in the system and even notified me of the status.

    Since only the petionter can make an inquiry in the status of an H1-B application, pls work with your HR to call the USCIS and get the information. You will be fine , don't worry.

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  • Blog Feeds
    05-24 06:00 PM
    On May 18, 2009, the Texas Senate passed a bill requiring Sheriffs or any other officers in charge of a correctional facility, to determine the “citizenship status” of all convicted felons. The bill, S.B 2584, amends Chapter 2, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding Article 2.245. If a defendant has been convicted of a felony under Title 5 (Offenses Against the Person), Penal Code, Title 6 (Offenses Against the Family), Penal Code, Title 7 (Offenses Against Property), Penal Code, Chapter 43 (Public Indecency), Title 9 (Offenses Against Public Order and Decency), Penal Code, Chapter 45 (Weapons), Title 10 (Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, and Morals), Penal Code, and Chapter 481 (Texas Controlled Substances Act), Health and Safety Code, the sheriff or officer will make a reasonable effort to determine the defendant’s “citizenship status”. If the sheriff has reason to believe the defendant is a foreign national, within 48 hours after the defendant is received at the correctional facility, the sheriff or officer will contact the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to verify the defendant’s immigration status. The bill becomes effective September 1, 2009.

    The bill places “sheriffs or other officers in charge of a correctional facility” in the role of immigration agents. The sheriff or officer now has another duty, to determine whether defendants have lawful status. The bill is available at Texas Legislature Online (

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  • snathan
    04-15 11:37 AM

    I concurrently filed both my I-140 and I-485 back in Oct 09. My I-140 was approved on March 18th and then nothing since. I read that by concurrent filing the process is quicker. I am on an EB1-C. My question is has anyone had any experience in the time frame for concurrent filing under the category i am under? I have checked the tracker and cannot see anyone in similar position. Time line is what i am looking for or is it a "wait and see" situation?

    Please provide us more information. If you are working as a manager in IT and especially from Indian companies, USCIS is investigating the EB1C cases as there is rampant corruption and manipulation. I am not sure what you mean by EB1-C - is it china or EB1C.

    would you mind to tell us which company sponsoring your GC.

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  • anu_t
    06-16 04:45 PM
    so many times people have already answered this question.
    Even if you google it you will find the answer.


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  • Gravitation
    07-10 09:20 PM
    Oct 2002 EB3
    It's a no-brainer.

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  • jai_immigration
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    The link does not work, please repost the correct link.


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  • sw33t
    07-16 05:19 AM
    Hey guys

    I just wanted to let you know that all the San Jose members are thrilled that other people have been inspired to hold their own rally.

    We are working on a document that details what gives advice on what we did and how we did it. As well as things we learned that we should have done!

    Hopefully we'll be able to post it in a few days time, but please bear with us, we need sleep, to catch up at work and make sure we cover all the details.

    Hope the above links give an idea and inspire others.

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  • PDOCT05
    10-16 12:37 PM
    Gurus Need Help.

    We filed for I-485 on july 3rd..and got receipt numbers after calling USCIS for 3 of us.Yesterday we got receipt notices for me and my wife..but for my son we haven't received the notice when i checked the status says case is rejected and here is the text message from the online..,
    "On October 10, 2007, we determined that this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS was not properly filed, rejected it, and mailed it back to you with all supporting materials along with a notice describing the reasons the case was rejected. The notice will also describe what will need to be done to properly submit the case"

    Is any one with the similar situation? Please help what could be the reason??
    and how long it will take to receive the rejected notice?

    any info will be great help...,



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  • greenhorn
    06-10 04:08 PM

    Forgive me if this sounds rudimentary. It's only recently that i've become aware of the nuances of the whole GC process along with the mind-boggling delays.

    Here are my qstns:
    Is it ok to have 2 concurrent LCs filed from different employers only one of whom i am employed with, (the idea is that the first one that get's approved will be used for the 140 and/or 485 and the other withdrawn)?
    Does it constitute a conflict of interest?
    Or is the conflict only in the I-485 stage?

    Does it cause any complications with LC or I-140?

    Have any of you had to do this?


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  • czar_the_king
    08-07 08:42 PM
    My I-140 was sent on July, 28th to TSC. I did not yet receive any receipt number. How long does it take to get the receipt number once I-140 is applied?


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  • kpraveenn
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    Lakshmi, Thank you for providing the link.

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  • Blog Feeds
    08-12 09:50 AM
    I usually spend some time every day at my San Francisco Bay Area immigration law office making inquires on pending cases. It is a frustrating process because I rarely receive answers and when I do, they usually are not helpful.

    United States Citizenship and Immigration Services ("USCIS") has recently released guidance on how to make inquiries at their Service Centers ( They provide a three step process. The first step is to call their National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283. If the issue is not resolved in 30 days, you proceed on to the next step which is to email the USCIS Service Center where your case is pending. The email addresses are:

    California Service Center Vermont Service Center Nebraska Service Center Texas Service Center (

    If there is no response to the email, you proceed to the last step which is to notify the USCIS Headquarters office of Service Center Operations by email at The notice indicates that you will receive a response from this email within ten days.

    It remains to be seen whether this system actually works. I will try it out in a few cases and will report back what happens.

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  • sanju
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    or if you know some website which has reviews of companies plz let me know that site...

    You are asking a wrong question. Beware of all Desi cos. They are all the same. If you are under some compulsion to join a desi cos, then you got to do what you got to do.

    I think it would be best to speak with someone who is already working for the cos and join if your friend or someone you know is already working there.

    Also, get EVERYTHING in writing, I mean EVERYTHING. Do not trust desi cos just because the guy is sweet talker.


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  • Munna Bhai
    08-23 09:00 AM
    My friend has H1 and working for company A. He transferred his H1 and started working for company B (Its been 4 weeks and he has 2 paystubs from company B).

    He is sure that company A didn't revoked / cancelled his H1. Now he wants to move to company A (old one). Is this possible?

    or does he need to re-transfer his H1 from copnay B to company A?

    Please advise.


    He/She can join old company as long as H1b from the old company is not revoked. There is no need for any H1b transfer as long as old company's H1b is valid. Just go and join them back if they are willing to take him. Lot of people of H1b do this. Hope this helps.


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  • dvp
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    My Parents are planning to come to US sometime in th month of Aug 08, and would return back to India in Nov 08. If they want to come back in Jan 09 will that be a problem. What is the time gap that is required for a visitor to re-enter US.


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  • neeidd
    12-04 11:03 AM
    Hi Guys,

    Could someone provide me with the Employment Letter Format (Based on this format, I will get my Employment Letter from my Employer) which I can show at POE, chicago while coming back from INDIA.

    Thanks a lot

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    TJH 34
    11-30 06:54 AM

    I need some advice concerning my application for a B2 Tourist Visa to the US as my wife and I wish to travel to Disneyworld Florida next December to celebrate our belated honeymoon:

    I received a police caution in March this year for "Battery" under Section 39 of The Criminal Justice Act after a domestic argument with my wife here in the UK.

    I also have a UK driving conviction from 2006 for "Driving Without Due Care and Attention" which resulted in a �100 fine and six points on my licence which have now expired.

    Do either of these cautions/convictions constitute a crime of "moral turpitude"?

    I am rather concerned that although I have read that a simple assault/battery does NOT constitute "moral turpitude," spouse abuse certainly does under US law.

    Does the definition of simple battery or spouse abuse depend on which country the caution was received in?

    The incident in question was more of an argument than one of domestic violence. I grabbed my wife's arm and she twisted herself trying to get away from me and she fell over which left her with a minor bruise and scratch. I certainly did NOT use any deliberate force or physical violence towards my wife.

    The argument arose because I had been unemployed for over a year and my wife was stuck doing a job she hates and financial difficulties at the time had put a strain on our relationship. Now that I have secured a full time job and our financial problems have depleted, the relationship between my wife and I is very stable and loving.

    However, if the consular officer at the embassy decides that this is a crime of moral turpitude, would I still be eligible for "petty crime exemption" (as the maximum sentence for a Section 39 battery crime is six moths in jail) even though I have the driving conviction from 2006?

    Any assistance and guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    TJH 34